Supporters and Partners

Institutions committed to building the Jewish community of the future.


We are so grateful for the investments of our generous national and family foundation supporters.

Our community of funding supporters fuels our work to expand the picture of how Jews find meaning and come together. Together, we take bold, intentional risks – and learn together – as we pursue our shared mission to make Jewish life thrive.

In Alphabetical Order:

Charles and Lynn Schusterman Logo
Crown Family Philanthropies Logo
Jewish Community Federation Logo
Jim Joseph Foundation Logo
John Pritzker Family Fund Logo
Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation Logo
Leslie Family Foundation Logo
Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund Logo
Rodan Family Foundation Logo
The Frederick J Isaac Fund Logo
The Marcus Foundation Inc Logo
William Davidson Foundation Logo


These organizations are helping to shape Jewish life across the country for the better.

Project partners are institutions, businesses, and organizations that have chosen to collaborate with UpStart on projects or initiatives through programmatic collaboration, financial contribution, sponsorship, or general reciprocal support.

Our Recent Partners Include:

Abilene Partners Logo
Evolve Logo
For Purpose Evaluations Logo
Giving Compass Logo
Hadassah Foundation Logo
Hillel International Logo
Jewish Funders Network Logo
Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati Logo
JPro Logo
Leading Edge Logo
Natan Logo
Slingshot Logo
SOCAP Global Logo

Partner with us.

Our funders help us serve entrepreneurs and their communities, collectively creating a Jewish community and experiences in which everyone can participate.

Join us in bringing bold Jewish ideas to light

Curious about UpStart, accelerating your organization’s growth, or helping contribute to a Jewish community and experiences in which everyone can participate?