We Are Stardust
UpStart2023-12-26T15:10:38-06:00BOLD JEWISH IDEA We Are Stardust is an LGBTQ+ centered spiritual laboratory rooted in Jewish wisdom that uses creative practice [...]
Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom
UpStart2024-01-04T14:50:38-06:00BOLD JEWISH IDEA Based on shared values, the mission of the Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom is to build relationships [...]
Sing Unto God
UpStart2024-01-04T14:49:50-06:00BOLD JEWISH IDEA Sing Unto God (SUG), a non-profit 501c3, works to elevate the practice of communal singing and [...]
Shomer Collective
UpStart2024-01-04T14:49:23-06:00BOLD JEWISH IDEA The mission of Shomer Collective is to improve end-of-life experiences for individuals and their families— inspired [...]
Sacred Spaces
UpStart2024-01-04T14:47:44-06:00BOLD JEWISH IDEA Sacred Spaces builds healthy Jewish communities by partnering with Jewish institutions to prevent and respond to [...]
Mayyim Hayyim Living Waters
UpStart2024-01-04T14:44:11-06:00BOLD JEWISH IDEA Mayyim Hayyim's mission is to reclaim and reinvent one of Judaism's most ancient rituals–immersion in the [...]