The Kavana Cooperative
UpStart2023-12-29T13:08:11-06:00BOLD JEWISH IDEA Kavana is an independent Jewish community in Seattle. They are building an innovative, relational, and intergenerational model [...]
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BOLD JEWISH IDEA Kavana is an independent Jewish community in Seattle. They are building an innovative, relational, and intergenerational model [...]
Bold Jewish Idea Atiq: Jewish Maker Institute is a pluralistic applied arts yeshiva with a focus on interweaving Jewish learning [...]
BOLD JEWISH IDEA Transforming the way the Jewish community understands and responds to mental illness and addictions.
BOLD JEWISH IDEA They strive to transform Jewish life by equipping institutions and individuals with the resources they need to [...]
Bold Jewish Idea Mitsui Collective cultivates pathways towards Jewish embodiment to fully activate thriving, resilient, healthy, and diverse communities [...]
BOLD JEWISH IDEA Inheiritance Project works with communities to build relationships across divides through collaborative theater projects inspired by shared [...]
BOLD JEWISH IDEA An innovative place to connect with Montreal’s Jewish life and identity, share our diverse heritage, and [...]
BOLD JEWISH IDEA The Holocaust Bnai Mitzvah Project offers an invitation to children preparing for bar/bat mitzvah to connect with [...]
Bold Jewish Idea A world in which Judaism is relevant, Jewish communities are educated, and diverse leaders guide individuals to [...]